Winning the Dance between Courage and Fear
3 Steps to Help you Align with Your Inner Voice
By Phyllis King
People often talk to me about their strong desire to change and create “more” of something in their lives, whether it’s a thing, a circumstance or a set of feelings. It’s easy to get excited about the prospect of bringing something new into our lives. When we have entrenched habits and ideas that have helped us create the life we have, it is an active and participatory process to shift into another perspective. It is that shift in perspective that alters our external reality. Once you get the hang of shifting perspective, it is actually much easier than staying the same, because of the beneficial results. It feels better.
What I’ve learned over all the years of doing this work is that there are only a couple reasons people don’t move forward with their plans and goals. Those are usually
1. 1. You don’t believe in yourself or that you deserve to have more
2. 2. You are afraid and allow fear to dictate your choices
How do we stay connected to our dreams, and those things we say we want? How do we overcome the fear and self doubt to to learn to honor our inner voice? There is a formula. It goes like this:
1. Practice self love. No matter how you feel about yourself today, no matter what your inner dialogue, take time to say and/or write the words: I deserve abundance. I am whole and complete right now. I love myself exactly as I am, unconditionally, with no exceptions.
2. Take your time temperature. When you feel afraid, resistant or have inertia, take a minute to time test yourself and say “how old do I feel right now?” More than likely the reason for your fear, inertia or resistance is tied to old ideas, wounds or beliefs. If we just update our information, and allow our adult self to choose, we will move forward
3. Small is Good. When you get ready to embark upon a plan of action don’t focus on making large changes. Keep your focus on taking small steps consistently. What it takes to create a change is that we choose one thing at a time to shift. Every “one” thing we shift will create enormous change in our perspective. Then, move on to another, if necessary. It is often a methodical, committed and consistent approach of moving small steps forward that cause us to reach our desired outcome.
Finally, remember that fear is part of life. What determines our success is how we choose despite the presence of fear. Once you get the hang of choosing from your adult empowered self, despite fear, you will become less fearful. You will experience first-hand that the fear was irrelevant and that you are more powerful than you ever realized. You will see and know you are divine.
In the dance of courage and fear, dance with courage even when fear is present. The fear will subside. You will be amazed at the life that unfolds for you.